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Краматорська загальноосвітня школа I-IІI ступенів №3 Краматорської міської ради Донецької області

Донецька область, Краматорськ, вул. Н. Курченко, буд.19

11700 грн100000 UAH

Donation rating


Anonymous donor

Дуже вдячна всьому колективу за прекрасні шкільні роки

300 UAN


Карина приколістка

300 UAN

Хлямова Яна

Пусть поскорее будет Мир🇺🇦🌷🌷🌷

300 UAN

Лариса Денисенко

Нехай вони поліпшують настрій і заряджають усіх позитивною енергетикою.

150 UAN

Колісник Ірина

Бажаю нам всім мирного неба, світлих надій, упевненості у завтрашньому дні та довгих мирних років життя у квітучій Україні

150 UAN

Вікторія Афанаскіна

Нехай тюльпани які розквітнуть стануть символ вільної,незалежної України!!! Разом до перемоги!!!

100 UAN

Абрамкіна Анжеліка

Весною зацвіли тюльпани, Де кожна квіточка жива, Бо гоїть нам сердечні рани, Дарує нам весни слова.

110 UAN

Климова Наталiя

Нехай наша школа буде ще прекраснiшою!

100 UAN

Мальєва Наталія

Вірю у нашу перемогу!

150 UAN

Щеголєва Юлія

Нехай квітне Україна і всі дітки будуть здорові та щасливі!!!

50 UAN
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Project timeline:




Purchase of tulip bulbs


October-November Bulbs are planted on school grounds


Delivery of bulbs to all schools in Ukraine


Spring 2024 - all Ukrainian schools bloom with millions of flowers.

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      Для представників шкіл: school@flowers4school.com

      Співпраця / медіа: cooperation@flowers4school.com

      Flowers4School Flowers4School

      Часті запитання

      Who are we and why do we do it?

      We are a charitable foundation dedicated to helping children in Ukraine. As part of the Flowers for Schools project, we plan to plant a blooming tulip park near every school in Ukraine. Such a park will help improve the psychological health of all Ukrainian children who are currently facing significant problems. Also, these flowers will symbolize the New Ukraine, which will be planted by the hands of our children. Our children are the future of the country.

      Who can make a contribution?

      Anyone who wants to help the children of Ukraine. First of all, these are school graduates of different generations. We have created a convenient search system where you can easily find a specific school where you studied and support it. If you do not have a specific school, you can make a contribution to all schools in a particular region or to all schools in Ukraine.

      Where do the funds go?

      The funds go directly to purchase tulip bulbs.

      What does "The second stage of the project" mean? What was the first one?

      In the fall of 2022, the Foundation, together with Dutch philanthropists, collected 5 million flower bulbs for Ukrainian children. 10082 schools in Ukraine received 500 bulbs each. The children of Ukraine and the schools were very enthusiastic about the campaign, and the second stage of the project was born. Our goals for the second stage are to collect 100+ million bulbs and plant 10 thousand tulips in all schools in Ukraine.

      My school is not on the list? What should I do?

      The list does not include schools that are temporarily occupied or currently not functioning due to hostilities and destruction. If your school is working, but it is not listed on the website, please text to us at school@florium.ua (only for school representatives)

      Can educational institutions other than schools participate in the project?

      Unfortunately, no. This year, the project is designed only for general secondary education institutions.

      How can I make a contribution if I am abroad?

      On the payment page, you can choose from three currencies: UAH ₴, USD $, and EUR €. You can also make a payment by bank details. All other payment methods abroad are described here - https://flowers4school.com/bank-details/

      All FAQs